Internationale Kollaboration


The world today is smaller and more intrinsically linked than ever before. This inter-connected & shape shifting era is challenging and exciting at the same time, where each of us, while trying to retain the cultural context of our origins is also at the same time participating in a global dialogue.                                                    

As we embrace this new age, it is pertinent for us to transition and adapt to the changes around us.

Exploration of this transition is at the core of this collaboration project. The purpose of the collaboration is to explore the concept of transition through the exchange of a found object between two participating artists from different parts of the globe. The object transitions geographically & culturally through the course of this collaboration to another form through artistic interpretation. The found object in this collaboration is symbolic of the blurring of boundaries, exchange of creative ideas and fostering international partnerships.



Our purpose is to explore the concept of global transition, migration and relocation by using the artistic interpretation of a found object as a metaphor for change. 


Zu Beginn des Projektes erhielt ich eine Streichholzschachtel mit niedergebrannten Streichhölzern von einer Künstlerin aus Dänemark zugeschickt. 

Meine Aufgabe war es anschliessend, dies als Inspirationsquelle für ein künstlerisches Projekt anzunehmen. 

Im Video können Sie sehen, wie ich anhand diverser Tiefdrucktechniken zu meinem Resultat gekommen bin. 

Viel Spass beim Schauen :-)